Faith Resources
The faith resources section includes links to theological reflections and a list of prayers (including a comprehensive set of worship resources collated by the Church of Scotland) as well as sites that regularly publish similar material.
We also have an archive of publications on refugees and asylum from CTBI and elsewhere, providing useful background material and demonstrating how the churches took the issue of refugees seriously long before the current crisis in Europe.

A Christmas Prayer for Refugees
Lord, you were once a refugee as the small child from the manger fleeing to Egypt. And so we pray for all those who are fleeing persecution, adversity and hopelessness. We remember the millions of people across the globe who are displaced from their homes. We bring before you families that are ...

Those Who Dream: Christian Responses to Migration (27 October)
Union Chapel in Islington are hosting an event around Those Who Dream: Christian Reflections on Europe’s Responses to Migration in Europe on Saturday 27 October. The theological event aims to: honour Christian work for justice for refugees and migrants; raise delegates’ eyes beyond crisis ...

Resilience Toolbox – strategies for coping with pressure in refugee ministry (17 November)
Working with refugees and asylum seekers often means helping people in very difficult situations and hearing traumatic, personal stories. Pressure can build very quickly. It is easy to feel overwhelmed and, if we’re not careful, for compassion fatigue to set in. That’s the thinking behind ...

Refugee Highway Partnership Roundtable 2019 in Sarajevo (4-8 February)
The Refugee Highway Partnership is running its Roundtable 2019 on 4–8 February in Sarajevo. Around 150 refugee workers along with church and mission leaders from across Europe are expected to attend this 17th annual event to be encouraged and share resources, best practices and practical ideas ...

CTBI Churches’ Refugee Network updates (September 2018)
CTBI’s Churches’ Refugee Network met on 13 September and discussed how CRN could widen its reach and more effectively share information amongst its network of Christian faith-based organisations and beyond to smaller churches and communities. Among other discussions, the meeting heard about the ...

Italian church launches Welcome Manifesto
The board of the Federation of Protestant Churches in Italy (FCEI) recently launched a Welcome Manifesto [view in translation] that says ‘no’ to xenophobia and describes every form of racism as a theological heresy. FCEI President Luca Maria Negro spoke about what had triggered the development ...

Opportunity to embrace imminent Irish community sponsorship scheme
Damian Jackson from the Irish Council of Churches (ICC) co-led CTBI’s visit to refugee projects in Lampedusa and Sicily last year. He has written about Ireland’s upcoming community sponsorship scheme over on the ICC blog. “A couple of months ago, I and a group of church representatives working ...

Nadine Daniel speaking about migration, refugees and sponsorship
Nadine Daniel is national refugee welcome coordinator for the Church of England. She addressed the CTBI annual general meeting in Liverpool Metropolitan Cathedral back in May. A resident of Toxteth, she welcomed the delegates to Liverpool. While the word ‘welcome’ was an important emphasis in ...

Sanctuary Sunday – rationale and resources
Where does the idea of sanctuary come from? And why Sanctuary Sunday? The Bible contains the command to “love your neighbour as yourself.” Yet this commandment is stated only once in Hebrew Scriptures (Leviticus 19:18). On the other hand there is an oft-repeated requirement in Hebrew Scriptures ...