Republic of Ireland

UK and Ireland map with focus on irelandYou’ll find news, practical action, policies and faith resources that relate to Ireland in this section of the website.

Over the coming weeks, organisations and websites that make a particular contribution in the context of Ireland will be added to this list.


I was a stranger and you invited me in
Jan 1

I was a stranger and you invited me in

The tragic picture of Alan Kurdi put a human face on the issue of migration across the Mediterranean which had risen in public consciousness over the summer of 2015. The phrase ‘refugee crisis’ entered common parlance. Yet it was quickly wrapped up with other words like ‘flood’ and ‘swarm’. ...
A Christmas Prayer for Refugees
Dec 25

A Christmas Prayer for Refugees

Lord, you were once a refugee as the small child from the manger fleeing to Egypt. And so we pray for all those who are fleeing persecution, adversity and hopelessness. We remember the millions of people across the globe who are displaced from their homes. We bring before you families that are ...
Update from CTBI Churches’ Refugee Network
Nov 22

Update from CTBI Churches’ Refugee Network

CTBIs Churches’ Refugee Network met again today with representation around the table and on the phone from a variety of denominations and organisations working around the UK and Ireland. CRN considered the opportunity to develop better church engagement with Refugee Week (running in 2019 ...
CTBI Churches’ Refugee Network updates (September 2018)
Sep 22

CTBI Churches’ Refugee Network updates (September 2018)

CTBI’s Churches’ Refugee Network met on 13 September and discussed how CRN could widen its reach and more effectively share information amongst its network of Christian faith-based organisations and beyond to smaller churches and communities. Among other discussions, the meeting heard about the ...
City of Sanctuary Mental Health Resource Pack
Aug 28

City of Sanctuary Mental Health Resource Pack

City of Sanctuary have published a Mental Health Resource Pack [PDF] to help readers understand the circumstances of refugees and asylum seekers’ lives and how these circumstances affect their emotional wellbeing. The 56-page booklet’s introduction explains that “it is designed to give you a ...
UK Government pauses hostile environment data-sharing
Jul 12

UK Government pauses hostile environment data-sharing

This morning, Labour MP David Lammy was granted an Urgent Question in the House of Commons to ask about (in his own words) “[the Home Secretary’s] cynical decision to bury the Home Office’s admission of failures over the Hostile Environment during the England match.” Home Sec. @sajidjavid made ...
Opportunity to embrace imminent Irish community sponsorship scheme
Jul 11

Opportunity to embrace imminent Irish community sponsorship scheme

Damian Jackson from the Irish Council of Churches (ICC) co-led CTBI’s visit to refugee projects in Lampedusa and Sicily last year. He has written about Ireland’s upcoming community sponsorship scheme over on the ICC blog. “A couple of months ago, I and a group of church representatives working ...
Nadine Daniel speaking about migration, refugees and sponsorship
Jul 10

Nadine Daniel speaking about migration, refugees and sponsorship

Nadine Daniel is national refugee welcome coordinator for the Church of England. She addressed the CTBI annual general meeting in Liverpool Metropolitan Cathedral back in May. A resident of Toxteth, she welcomed the delegates to Liverpool. While the word ‘welcome’ was an important emphasis in ...
Sanctuary Sunday – rationale and resources
Jun 21

Sanctuary Sunday – rationale and resources

Where does the idea of sanctuary come from? And why Sanctuary Sunday? The Bible contains the command to “love your neighbour as yourself.” Yet this commandment is stated only once in Hebrew Scriptures (Leviticus 19:18). On the other hand there is an oft-repeated requirement in Hebrew Scriptures ...